The Story of St. Mark United Methodist Church
The story of St. Mark United Methodist Church begins in 1960 when Mr. Emery, who lived in Golden Springs, had a vision for a Methodist Church in the area. Doyce Gunter, a student minister at White Plains, met with him and others but no plans or action was taken at this time. On June 8, 1962 Mr. Albert T. Harris Sr. and his wife Emory R. Harris deeded six acres of land to the Methodist Church District Board of Missions and Church Extensions of the Anniston district for a new church. This land was deeded to our church on October 17, 1967. In early 1966 Reverend Doyce Gunter, who was completing his fourth year at Moody Methodist Church heard of the plans for a new church in Golden Springs and requested he be given the appointment. His appointment was approved and in June 1966 he moved to the new parsonage at 3932 Bramble Road and began visiting families for membership in the new church. The first morning worship was held at the Golden Springs Elementary School on June 26, 1966. At this service twenty-one joined the church, and at the evening service five more. District Superintendent Grant Parris Conducted this Organization Service and declared the church officially organized. Charter Membership closed on July 31st with sixty members. Membership continued to grow and the ground breaking for a multi use building was held on August 14, 1967. The first morning worship service in the new building was April 21, 1968 with membership now at 109. Bishop Goodson and the Reverend Grant Parris were present |

for the Consecration Service of our church on October 9, 1968. Ground breaking for a church school building was September 10, 1972. Bishop Carl J. Sanders and Reverend S.J. Elmore were present on March 14, 1973 for the Consecration service for this completed building. In 1979 work was completed on converting the multi use original building to a permanent Sanctuary and 1980 saw the completion of a Fellowship Hall between the Sanctuary and Educational Building. Our membership was now two hundred and thirteen. The ground breaking for our new parsonage was July 27, 1986 with Reverend William Hart and his family moving in December 1986. Additional space was needed so on January 26, 1992 we again broke ground for additional church school rooms, an addition to the fellowship hall, and new church offices. Consecration was held July 26, 1992 with Bishop J. Lloyd Knox and Reverend Billy York present. On September 7, 2004 we held the ground breaking for the complete renovation of the sanctuary from the floor to the roof. The first Morning Worship after completion was on Palm Sunday, April 4, 2004. Membership December 1, 2005 was now 267.
The continued growth of St. Mark can be attributed to the dedication of the members through programs such as the Church School, organized July 10, 1966, Methodist Youth Fellowship, organized August 1966; United Methodist Women, organized November 30, 1966; and the Methodist Men, organized September 22, 1967. Also the outreach programs that include: Preschool, Parent's Day Out, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Soup Bowl, Meals on Wheels, Pastor's Discretionary Fund, and support with food collections, school supplies collections, and Salvation Army Christmas Stockings.
Ministers that have served at St. Mark since 1966 are: Doyce Gunter, 1966-1969; Mack Finney, 1969-1974; Joe Estes, 1974-1978; John Rutland, 1978-1982; Don Neal, 1982-1986; Bill Hart, 1986-1987; Tom Aaron, 1987-1989; Hal Noble, 1989-1993; Zeke Haselden, 1993-1996; Bill Gunn, 1996-2000; Jerry Reeder, 2000-2002; John Cosby, 2002-2003; Robert Champion, 2003-2015; Tim Kendrick, 2015-2020; and Joshua Alison 2020-present.
The continued growth of St. Mark can be attributed to the dedication of the members through programs such as the Church School, organized July 10, 1966, Methodist Youth Fellowship, organized August 1966; United Methodist Women, organized November 30, 1966; and the Methodist Men, organized September 22, 1967. Also the outreach programs that include: Preschool, Parent's Day Out, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Soup Bowl, Meals on Wheels, Pastor's Discretionary Fund, and support with food collections, school supplies collections, and Salvation Army Christmas Stockings.
Ministers that have served at St. Mark since 1966 are: Doyce Gunter, 1966-1969; Mack Finney, 1969-1974; Joe Estes, 1974-1978; John Rutland, 1978-1982; Don Neal, 1982-1986; Bill Hart, 1986-1987; Tom Aaron, 1987-1989; Hal Noble, 1989-1993; Zeke Haselden, 1993-1996; Bill Gunn, 1996-2000; Jerry Reeder, 2000-2002; John Cosby, 2002-2003; Robert Champion, 2003-2015; Tim Kendrick, 2015-2020; and Joshua Alison 2020-present.